Post Bayram
My last statistics was 75.7kg.
After post ramadhan.. bayram with plenty of non stop cokes n desserts and salty things, i was again fearing for the worst. I got sick on that 2nd bayram night... the pain lasted for a few days actually.. hence, i could only walk 2 days last week... both the one hour n a half walk at çamlık park.
Last weekend (as in yesterday n the day before), i threw caution.... i fried fries... eat all the oily n fattening stuffs (though i knew i should be careful to achieve any weight loss) is only natural that i was afraid to look at the weighing scale.
After my walk this morning...i looked at my scale... 74.3kg! I always look at the scale after my walks... so u bet i am happy... happy at least that my weight is not 76 or 78 as i feared... i am not a fanatic must lose weight freak n i love my food... but i think as long as i do not abandon my morning walks...n be careful to some extend on the food i eat...i have a chance to at least not gain weight and with luck lose a bit of weight at that...
Meşe said i may have problem losing weight fast coz the fat has been with me for years.... i wont give up... even merih noticed that i looked smaller yesterday... i think that was because my body is getting in shape...
i am seriously thinking of doing akupunture of some sort to help me lose weight..but i think the cost will be high... what about the weight loss pills?the question is... r they healthy? will i start gaining weight again once i stop taking them? so for now, i will stick to this *free* weight program... a walk to çamlık park whenever possible...i know for sure that my thigh is getting smaller somehow....not much but enough to make me happy... after all.. i am still a fat woman...that fact doesnt change... i have till early july to get to 60kg... if i can do that, i will definitely suprise my family in malaysia when i go back to malaysia insyaAllah next year.... right now, what they have in their mind is a simah who is so fat that she is wearing size xxxl clothing... hey! i am only wearing xl u know! :0)
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