After 5 donuts on friday, iftar at cavdır kösk where diet was not possible on saturday... another totally meat meat meat iftar at gunaydın restaurant for iftar on sunday... i was really really scared to look at the weighing scale this morning. İ braced myself...and it was written there...75.7kg...phew! i was expecting 79kg again! I guess fate is kind to me today.
And so i went walking again at çamlık park... i made a steady walk there... and instead of the usual total one hour walk at the walking platform... i extended to a total one and a half hour today..true, i fell asleep later afterwards..coudnt pull myself up for one hour and a half from the bed... but the weighing scale said...74.7kg!!! i didnt know that u can lose one kg with 2 hours walk !! (one hour n a half at çamlık park n half an hour going to and back home)...
Now back to household chores... ironing... thousands of things waiting for me...if i can keep this up...(a normal one hour walking ) plan for a 60kg weght in july can be realised insyaAllah...i have 15kg more to go... :0) wish me luck! Food!!
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